Pretty Village, Pretty Flame

Pretty Village, Pretty Flame Serbian Lepa sela lepo gore, literally translated as Beautiful villages burn beautifully is a 1996 Serbian film directed by Sran Dragojevi that gave a uniquely bleak yet darkly humorous account of the Bosnian War.

The plot, inspired by real life events that took place in the opening stages of the Bosnian War, tells a story about small group of Serb soldiers trapped in a tunnel by a Bosniak force. The films screenplay is based on an article written by Vanja Buli for Duga magazine about the actual event. Through flashbacks that describe the prewar lives of each trapped soldier, the film describes life in prewar Yugoslavia and tries to give a view as to why former neighbours and friends turned on each other.Following the success of the movie, Buli wrote a novel named Tunel thats essentially an expanded version of his magazine article. ........

Source: Wikipedia